"The renaissance occured after the fall of Rome and the dark ages" ....jeez, hathy ma taskit, i cant concentrate anymore! i daydreamed about everything. What im going to wear for the avenues today, what me and 3awaash are going to do there, you name it.. but mostly 3abdula.
There is a Sara in our class, but i doubt its her. She looks so innocent w ma a3tiqiid 3indaha hal suwaliif.
"..the northern renaissance was slightly different from the italian renaissance. Although they both.."
I got my mobile out and hid it under my binder and started texting 3awaash.
*3AWSHOO! any updates about Saraa and 3abdula? i soo need to no who this Sara is! im soo curious!*
As i was about to press send..
"REEM! you no mobiles are not allowed in classes! give it to me and you can get it at the end of class"
Damn it..i handed her my mobile with the messsage still unsent.
"Three awshoo" IS SHE READING MY MESSAGE OUT LOUD? "any updates about sara and three abdulla? i soo need to no who this sara is! im soo curious. oooh, so is that what is more important than history huh?" umbaay shtabee hathy? eeh eeh it is more important! fashlaa!
All my class looked at me and burst into laughter. I wished i could just curl into a ball and disappear. At that very second the bell rang and everyone started making there way out the class room. Ashwa, saved by the bell!
I got my fone back and rushed out the class room to avoid any comments by the students who were still here.
I went to my locker, got my books out ,shoved them into my bag and hurried downstairs to our car. A few of the students who were with me in history class were giving me the "thats her" looks with there friends. Since i am in an all-girls school the word about my message incident will spread in a flash. Ugh!
In The Car
Me: 3awaaash! 6afiich 6afiich! tadree sh9aar ib historty class? umbaay the teacher 7maraa fashilatny jidaam the whole damn class!!
3awaash: adry adryy simaa3t!
Me: OH MY GOD! amdahuum! el 8u9aa ma 9arlahaa 20 minutes!
3awaash: Hehee adry! shinsawee ba3ad..agoul mishtahya kakaaw ishrayich inmur el jam3iya gabel la inriid il bait?
Me: yeaa suree.. babo before u go house, mur jam3iya enzain?
Babo: Enshalaah madaam.
3awaash: Reema it9adgeen widy a5ith kil hal chocolates! YOU3ANAA
Me: Hehe yal ba6aa!
3awaash: mm, ba5ithly galaxy, time-out, snea..HHHHHHEEEEEE (ish'hagaat) REEMAA ILTAFAAY WARAAAACH!!
i looked back..
Me: SHIT!! 3awaash shasawee? shakly 7ilu wela 5ayes? asaliim??