

LOTS of freaky things have been happened lately!! ta5ayilaaw thaak ilyoum i was thinking of one of my frnds, i havent seen her in month! that same day i went to the avenues w i saw her hnaak. Coincidence? maybe.

But noo it doesnt stop there, i was talking to another frnd w we planned to go out since i havent seen her for ages. I go to starbux, AND I SEE HER THERE!

Okay. the last and freakist thing! i was sitting in maki with my family w i was daydreaming (as usual) chan i told my sister "umbay sha5bary R minzimaan ma shifnahaa!" 10 minutes later, R walks into maki!!

Wallah im starting to get freaked out;p I'll update my imagenary readers if another wierd coincidence happend!

Btw, still no followers;/! YALLAAH PPL! im starting to give up!;p

xx toodles xx