
To Hold & To Have [16]

This cant get any worse, i thought to myself.  In the middle of all the chaos, i was praying to god that 3abdulla wont get into a fight with this guy. All i wanted him to do was get us out of this situation.

3abdulla pushed the guy away from 3awash.  I held her hand and pulled her to my side, i can see it in her eyes that she was still infuriated of what just happened. 



3abdula: enzain, 5an ni6la3 bara w goulee ish9aar bil'6ab6, mu 7ilwa 9ar5na chithy jidaam el awadim

Due to 3abdulla's calm and persuasive voice, the guy calmed down and his once tense body relaxed. As happy as i was that this was over, i now realized that the problem isnt completely over. I didnt really now how 3abdulla is going to react to what we did. 

The people started going, each one with a different expression. Some shocked and some with a "thank god im not in there place" expression. Me and 3awaash were still in shock, we looked at each other quietly, and slowly a smile started to form on 3awaash's face. Uff 7ada mu wagta ti'67aak hathy.

Me: Shfeech? you realize what just happened 9a7?

3awaash: Yea, and were dead

Me: And thats funny?

3awaash: mm, yea

Me: geez 3awaash, are you bipolar wela shay? tawich im3a9baa

3awaash: enzain yalla 5anriid el shalaiih your a mess. w ma siwaat 3alaina gilna nabee kakaaw

Me: eeh wallah..

As soon as we were about to go out, 3abdula came in, i tried to read his expression but he was stoic. He hissed for us to follow him back to the chalet, and we did as we were told. For a few minutes we walked in silience. But how can there be silience if 3awaash is around?

3awaash: So, shgaliik?

I pocked 3awaash with my elbow indicating for her to shut-up.

3awaash: aay reema! 9ij aby a3arif ishgalaa!

I shot her an "are you serious?" look, but  i didnt say a word and continued walking. Whatever she indentded to do, i dont want anything to do with it.

3abdulla: galy ina 3a6aito bottle fy maay ba7aar

3awaash: enzain, and why are you mad?


i jumped to his sudden change of tone, but still decided not to interfere, and just hoped 3awaash will do the same thing. But who am i kidding?

3awaash: excuse me, lat9ari5..

Apparently she saw it as a joke, and from his face i saw that he is about to explode from anger.

Me:  3awaash bas siktaay.

He shot me a cold look and started walking faster. I did the same in order to keep up with him. When we got to the chalet 3awaash ran inside when she realized the rest of my cousins just arrived. I tramped inside and plastered a huge smile on my face.

Me: Hiii, wa a5eeran yaitaaw?

As my cousin blabbered on, i looked back and saw 3abdulla go and greet the rest of my guy cousins.

The rest of the day went smoothly, we played cards, walked on the beach and caught up on some gossip.  At about 2am, we all decided to go to sleep. we said our goodbyes and planned on meeting up at our chalet for breakfast.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, wore my pjs and jumped into bed. i wasnt really sleepy, so i got my book out of my bag and started reading. After reading for a few minutes, i went to check if 3awaash was asleep, and she was. 

Quietly, i tip-toed outside and sat on the porch looking and the sea and daydreaming. A dark figure sitting on the beach caught my eye,  i squinted my eye a bit then recognized who is was..

Peace, love ,and bunnies





Finally! but to tell you the truth this year went by sooooooo faast, ya3ny its unbelievable..

HELLO TANNING! since im naturally kinda dark, i become yellow if i dont get tanned. ye5,

Its kinda sad that ramadhan is in the summer, mit3awdeen 3alai bil winter 9a7? atleast 3eed clothes are going to be summerish!

Okay so today was my last exam (hallalujah) w 9iij 9iij people are brave! im sitting happily doing my exam thinking about what time i'll shower today wela faj2a i hear my name. i look around wela this girl literally the other side of the room pointing on her paper. Could'nt she find someone infront of her or someone behind her or 3al a8aal YAMHAA! noooo lazem someone sitting in the other side of the room. i wish i was as brave as you.

i'll leave you with the most beautiful shoes my precious eyes ever laid eyes on..

i LOVE them.
Peace ,love, and cookie dough.


To Hold & To Have [15-B]

3abdula: e7mm

I wiped the tears from my cheecks and looked behind me. There he was hotter than ever sitting on the couch with a confused look on his face. I think the huge smile still plastered on my face scared him, so he smiled back.

Me: emm..

I was speechless, i had nothing to say. He just saw us run into the room, look out the window and roll on the floor laughing. I shot 3awaash a desperate look, but she just shrugged. Ugh! She always has something to say, why not now?

Me: emm..i-i-i didnt think you were going to come..

3abdula: I was'nt going to, but i changed my mind at the last second

I didnt reply, i had nothing to say. we just sat there looking at each other. The couple of times i saw hiim, he was the one doing the talking. well, not really the talking, just the greetings. We sat there looking at each other, desperatley thinking of something to happen to get me out of this akward situation.


The sudden sound of 3awashs loud voice made me jump just the slightest bit. As i got up i saw the smile slowly fade from 3abdullas face. phew, thank god thats over.

Me: Okaay, see you later 3abdulla..

6ala3naa min the chalet and we started walking on the beach.

Me: THANKYOUU!! i owe you my lifeee!!

3awash: well, i had to do something. i was getting pretty bored just watching you look at each other.

Me: Was it thaat bad?

3awaash: 7eta uhwa ma tikalaam, so your not the only one whos suppoed be be embarresed

Yea, she does have a point. i seriously dont now what i'd do without 3awaash. We walked on the beach for a few minutes and when we got bored we decided to walk to sultan center since it wasn't that far away. As we were walking we were laughing and giggling about old memories and stuff.

3awash: hahaa! umbaay remember jabaal el mouut?

Me: OH MY GOD! eeeehhh! sha5bary! it wasnt even a jabaal 3ashan insamee jabaal el mout.

3awaash: Bas it seemed huge laman kina yahaal. kina nig3aad fouga w we spy 3ala 3yaal 5alty

Me: Eeehh! min kithiir ma we loved it kanaaw iyeeboulina el ghada we7na ga3deen fouga

And thats how it went for the rest of our walk to sultan center. We made our way through the bunch of boys crowded around a buggy and entered. A cool breeze from the air conditioning welcomed us as delieghtfully made our way to the chocolate aisle.

3awash: Allaaahhh! wedy ashtiry all of these chocolates

Me: Yal bal3aa ana mishtahya fizzy drinks, barou7 ashouf shba5ithly..

I headed towards the large coolers while scanning what i'll decide on taking. I picked up a baribican bottle and diet coke.

As i was walking back to 3awaash i was looking at my reflection in the window. When suddenly i collided into a someone, my barbican bottle came crashing down and smashed into the ground. Without looking at the person i apologized and started picking up the pieces of shattered glass.


I looked up and to my surprise it was the guy we gave sea water too. I froze in my spot, not knowing whether to run or ignore him.


Thats all i heard from his ear peircing shouts and then i just blanked out. i watched in horror as his face turned red, his eyes popped out and particles of silivia started spraying at me as he was furiously shouting. With the corner of my eyes i saw a crowd starting to form around us.

Paraylzed from fear, tears started rolling down my eyes. I thought he might be a little sympathetic and just shut-up, but noo he just continued shouting from the top of his lungs. 3awaash pushed through the crowed and stood beside me. Just as she was going to say something, he grabbed her from her arm and stared shouting at her. There faces were just inches apart. She tried to push away but his grip was too tight.

Unlike me, 3awaash is the strong one, so instead of crying she became infuriated.

3awash: HIDNY!!

He ignored her and continued shouting. i cant believe no-one in the crowed was doing something. Since most of them were guys, i figured they were his friends. 7itan lo, they still should've done something.

As i stood there, broken glass under me and my eyes swelled with tears, he continued shouting on and on. Then, out of nowhere i heard a familiar voice.


3abdula pushed through the crowed with his hands clentched into a fist.

Now back to studying;p

Peace, love, and candy canes


Tried but failed.

Okay so, i tried downloading a template for my blog but miserably failed. I admit, im not a wizz in computers and stuff bas, do i need to be one in order for me to dowload a template?

Awaal shay, when i thought i succesfully downloaded it, i was like YAY! bas bi3dain when i recognized it was uploaded into winzip i knew my attempt to finally get a proffesional and simple template has failed.

It said something about extracting xml or something like that. I sat there think and when i thought i had the perfect idea, my renewed sense of hope kicked in. What was my perfect idea you may ask? google ofcouse. i searched "how to extract an xml" and to my dissapointment i found myself reading a whole lot of jumbo mumbo about stuff i have no clue about. I might have been reading Swaheely and just didnt now it.

Once again, i sat there thinking. Yet another bulb flashed above my head. Yup, you've guessed it, i got a new idea. I return to the original template website in search of help or comments like "why doesnt this template work?" because being the person that i am, i no longer think its my stupidity, but a mistake of theres. But noooo, for everyone else that has downloaded it, its completely fine . instead of comments like "why doesnt this template work" theres comments like "It worked perfectly".

while i was reading the comments i was secretly hoping that all their computers would burn down. So finally, all the optimisim is gone. i close all the windows and go to the kitchen to prepare myself a rewarding bowl of cheese flavored noodles for all the hard work i've done.

Is it that obvious that im bored and that i have nothing to talk about? i hope not.

Ooh and by the way, a new post no later than friday i promise.

Peace, love and whipped cream.


Entikhabaat & More..

El 3oud gaal "i7sinou likhtiyaar" Did you?;p Out of curiosty, who do you want bilmajlis?

My parents mayaboun yintakhboun a7aad, igouloun they give-up. i nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged, and still they refuse to. Awal ma im old enough to vote, ana awal wa7da 6ayra 3ashan antikhiib;p

This is a conversation between me and my dad yesterday while eating lunch;

Me: Daddy, laish wara ba3'6 ilma8araat fy ba3areen?

Dad: 3ashan iwakloun ilbugaar..

Being the 9aida that i am i said: Heeeeeehhhh! haw mayadroun cows dont eat meat? Wont they get the madcow disease or something? Misakeen the cows theyre happily munching w little did they no ina its meat..

Dad: H, i was joking. its for the people.

Me: Ooh. *looks down at my plate and continues eating*

-OH MY GOD! fy this Sirilanken dude who keeps calling our house and threatens us. Wil scariest part is he nows ALL OUR NAMES! He wants donations; dear Sirilanken dude, if you want some donations, this is not the way to ask. Cursing us and saying mean things is not the way, please learn some manners.
Peace, love ,and rainbows


To Hold & To Have [15-A]

I waited outside the chalet as 3awaash went inside to get whatever she was getting. From where i was standing, i could see the guy but i doubted he can see us. Since it was "revenge" it wasnt really good for us if he knew where our chalet was.

Within 2 minutes, 3awash came out with a bottle of water in one hand and a bunch of tissues in the other. She then went over to the sea, emptied the water into it.

Me: Bta36eena an empty bottle?

3awaash: No, im not that lame

Me: Ooh ashwaa hehe

She stuck her hand into the sea and from what it looked like, she was refilling the bottle with sea water.

Me: hhheeeehhhhhhh!!!! umbaay 3awaash!

3awaash: Hehehe, shrayech!?

Me: Risky, bas wouldnt he recognize? you now, since sea water isnt completey clear and stuff.

3awash: What do you think the tissue is for?

She wrapped the tissue around the bottle, so that the unclear water didnt show.

3awaash: Shoufay reema, awaal ma a36ee the bottle we make a run for it okay?

Me: hahaa! awal shay, hes on a buggy, he can easily catch up with us and to make matters worse you now me very well, im not that fast!

3awaash: 3ala ma yistaw3iib what he drank and 3ala ma he chokes and throws up and stuff. dont worry, we'll have plenty of time.

Me: Oh my god, wont he die or something? maskeen ma siwaat 3alaii galina yabee maay

3awaash: He wont drink the whole bottle, he'll probably just take a few gulps. ive always swallowed sea water by mistake nothing happens..

Me: hehe okaay

As we walked back to him, i couldnt help myself but smile. My mom has always told us about crazy thiings shes done with her sisters, and said how glad she is that she did these insane things because now she can look back at them and laugh. So, since me and 3awaash dont have any memorise of us doing crazy things, this could be our first.

When we got to him, we stood a good 2 meters away from him. Not too close and not too far. 3awaash threw him the bottle and before i knew it she started running. i ran behind her trying with all my might to catch up with her. i was too scared to look back and too tierd to run any faster. Just as my feet were going to give up, we got to our chalet. We rushed in slamming the door behind us and running directly to the window.

Panting, we looked outside the window. There wasn't any sign of him, just the sound of his loud motor buzzing and the waves crashing on the shore. Suddenly, his yellow buggy wizzed past our chalet. Quickly ducking down, me and 3awaash burst into laughter. We were laughing so hard that tears were running down our faces.

Then the low soothing voice caught us off gaurd..

EXAMMS!! i'll try to post soon. Since im not doing anything today, theres a chance i post part B..mmaaybbeee;p

Peace, love, and pecan pie



I woke up to the loud shouts of yousef, my husband. As soon as i realised who he was shouting for, i jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom and locked myself inside. Its a harrowing experience everytime this happens. Why can't we be the perfect couple i imagined our selfs to be?


i curled up in the corner and started to sob. That happened nearly everyday, but everyday i thought it was the last time, but to my surprised it wasn't.

I had nowhere to go. i knew if i unlocked the door i'd be greeted by one of his slaps or punches. Its moments like these that i wonder why i havent left him by now, why i havent told my parents when it first started. Why i havent packed my bags and just disappear. But, the fact is i cant leave him. After hes snapped out of his drunken mode, he'd return to yousef i'd loved and adored.

A bottle crashed on the ground then he started banging on the door.

Yousef: Shiftaay sh5alaiiteeni asawee yal chalba? il7een lazem ashtiry bo6il vodka yedeed.

He started banging on the door harder now, and at that point i was shaking, theres no running way from him.

Suddenly everything went quiet. Its either hes blacked out or just doing one of his tricks to get me to open the door. i sat there for a few minutes until i was sure that he wasn't there then i opened the door. i saw him lying on the shattered glass with his eyes shut.

From experience, i knew the worse part ended. That after he'd gain consciousness hed return to the normal yousif. i sat him up and realized that his tshirt was covered in blood.

Yousef: mm...zz-zzaai-na

Me: Im here, yousif yourbleeding stay here 3alama i go get a wet towel.

i rushed into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and soaked it with water. When i got to him, i helped him up and manuvered him to the bed. I took his tshirt of and layed him down prone on the bed. Slowly, i started to wipe the blood from his back. Still in shock of what happened, i startedto cry.

Yousef: Zayouna shfeech?

Me: Yousef i can't take this anymore. i dont want to be the battered wife that everyone talks about. im..im..im leaving.

Even though i've said this many times before, he didnt believed me. He knew i loved him to much and that i cant be without him. But this time, maybe its the way i said, he knew it was true, he knew that i was finally leaving.

Yousef: Zaina you cant leave, what will i do without you? you now that i dont mean to do what i do. I'd never hurt you.

Me: Hurt me? guess what yousef? you already did.

Yousef: i know i've said that i dont need you and that i've been so nasty to you. Ive punched you and i've kicked you, but you now i didnt mean to, love you. zaina please dont leave me. i have nobody else

Me: You've got your vodka bottle.

Random post, i was listening to Please Dont Leave Me-Pink. So, i got an idea.



-Ugh! i hate being sick!!! I now what your thinking, and no its not the swine flu.

-Finals are closer than they appear. YAY! bi3daiin HEELLOOO SUMMEEERRR(H)!

-Its may, how come its not hot outside?

-My heart aches for him. Minzimaan ma shift the hot dude min il mamsha. Perhaps Cupid;* bagita? maybe;p

-Dont y'all just love research essays? i most certainly do. not

-shraykum we play a gamee?? i wunna no how many people read my blog. so ALLLLLL you reader, silient mu silient KILKUUM write me any random thing. Just incase you think you have nothing to say, you can just answer this question..What do you think my name is? see, now you all have a reason to comment(:

ps. i will not answer this question, but i will say whether or not any of the commenters got the answers right!


To Hold & To Have [14]

3 months later..

Finally, its spring. Its always been the same routine during the spring break. My whole family would g to the chalet. When i say "whole family" i dont just mean my mom, dad, sister and i. Its literally my whoolee family, like grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Its been about 3 months after the whole controversy with Sara and 3abdula. And since then, i've seen 3abdula a couple of times in family gatherings. He'd come up and ask me how i was doing and stuff but not really anything else. As for Sara, we just ignored each other.

As soon as we got to our chalet, me and 3awash dumped our bags in our rooms and rushed out to the beach to soak up the sun. Since my parents were the "over-protective" type, we werent aloud on buggies or jetskies. In other words, we werent aloud to do anything fun. So, through-out the years we managed to make our own fun. It started out as catchers and hide-and-go-seek when we were about 6, then evloved to tanning and walking on the beach when we became teenagers.

I put my flipflops beside the front door and started walking barefoot with 3awash by my side. As we walked on the beach, the jetskies splashed water on us. We'd try to avoid them but they always managed to soak us. When we finally gave up with our clothes dripping wet, we sat on the sand to rest for a while. Although we still didnt now if 3abdula was going to come to the chalet or not, we still talked about how were going to react when we see him and whether or not we were going to talk to him.

As we sat there talking and giggling we heard a loud motor behind us. We didnt pay much attention to it because buggies always rushed behind us. We continued doin what we were doing, and still the sound did not go.

3awash: Waay! shhal buggy il muz3iij?

Me: Ee wallaah, bas il'6aher imghariz wela shay 9arla sa3a warana

3awash: Yea probably, anyways 5al akamil..

i didnt hear the rest of what 3awash had to say due to the increasing sound of the buggy.

Me: Uuuf baas!

i looked back, and there it was. A huge yellow buggy inches away from me, and on it sat a guy with a huge smile showing his ugly croooked ugly teeth.

Guy: Lo sama7taaw..7ady 3a6shaan 3indukum maay?

It was obvious that he was just messing aroun. Me and 3awash both knew it. But i didnt expect 3awash's answer.

3awash: yeaa, la7'6a shwaay

Me: 3awaash min9ii...

She pocked indicating to me that i should shut up. When she got up, she pulled my arm with her. As soon as we were far enough from him i asked 3awash what the hell she was doing.

3awash: Wait and see, ive got an idea..

Me: Mind telling me what it is?

3awash: Dont you want to get back at guys for all the heartaches theyve caused us?

Me: And your going to get back at them by getting a bottle of water? Wow! genius..

3awash: Laa laa! ni6raay

3awash was always the one with te crazy ideas. I wonder what she has in store now.

Peace, love ,and fluffy clouds.