
To Hold & To Have [15-A]

I waited outside the chalet as 3awaash went inside to get whatever she was getting. From where i was standing, i could see the guy but i doubted he can see us. Since it was "revenge" it wasnt really good for us if he knew where our chalet was.

Within 2 minutes, 3awash came out with a bottle of water in one hand and a bunch of tissues in the other. She then went over to the sea, emptied the water into it.

Me: Bta36eena an empty bottle?

3awaash: No, im not that lame

Me: Ooh ashwaa hehe

She stuck her hand into the sea and from what it looked like, she was refilling the bottle with sea water.

Me: hhheeeehhhhhhh!!!! umbaay 3awaash!

3awaash: Hehehe, shrayech!?

Me: Risky, bas wouldnt he recognize? you now, since sea water isnt completey clear and stuff.

3awash: What do you think the tissue is for?

She wrapped the tissue around the bottle, so that the unclear water didnt show.

3awaash: Shoufay reema, awaal ma a36ee the bottle we make a run for it okay?

Me: hahaa! awal shay, hes on a buggy, he can easily catch up with us and to make matters worse you now me very well, im not that fast!

3awaash: 3ala ma yistaw3iib what he drank and 3ala ma he chokes and throws up and stuff. dont worry, we'll have plenty of time.

Me: Oh my god, wont he die or something? maskeen ma siwaat 3alaii galina yabee maay

3awaash: He wont drink the whole bottle, he'll probably just take a few gulps. ive always swallowed sea water by mistake nothing happens..

Me: hehe okaay

As we walked back to him, i couldnt help myself but smile. My mom has always told us about crazy thiings shes done with her sisters, and said how glad she is that she did these insane things because now she can look back at them and laugh. So, since me and 3awaash dont have any memorise of us doing crazy things, this could be our first.

When we got to him, we stood a good 2 meters away from him. Not too close and not too far. 3awaash threw him the bottle and before i knew it she started running. i ran behind her trying with all my might to catch up with her. i was too scared to look back and too tierd to run any faster. Just as my feet were going to give up, we got to our chalet. We rushed in slamming the door behind us and running directly to the window.

Panting, we looked outside the window. There wasn't any sign of him, just the sound of his loud motor buzzing and the waves crashing on the shore. Suddenly, his yellow buggy wizzed past our chalet. Quickly ducking down, me and 3awaash burst into laughter. We were laughing so hard that tears were running down our faces.

Then the low soothing voice caught us off gaurd..

EXAMMS!! i'll try to post soon. Since im not doing anything today, theres a chance i post part B..mmaaybbeee;p

Peace, love, and pecan pie



    Goood Luck daaaahling..

    LooL love the "Peace, love and pecan pie" :P:P

  2. oh my god !!!!!!!!!!!
    i am so jealous of them :(
    i want to do a crazy thing but i am to scared :(

  3. see that ?? that my dear is nasty ! I LOVED IT !

    ohh and a message to Aisha " I COME WITH PIECE " DO NOT ATTACK ME !

  4. Dazzlin: I always thought about doing it, bas im not brave enough;p

    CuteandCuddly: 7addaahh, my children are going to be like "Wai3 thats one lame mom we got" ;p

    Abdullah: Hahaa;p Aisha is on this rampage getting back at all the guys. Hide!

  5. KAAK:: umbaaay next time someone asks me for water bel shalaaih I'll soooooo do that.. haha the 3awasha you got there has a great mind;p
    Btw; next post soon ok? la2anna hottie 3abdullah will be in it 9a7? 9a7:P?
