
Entikhabaat & More..

El 3oud gaal "i7sinou likhtiyaar" Did you?;p Out of curiosty, who do you want bilmajlis?

My parents mayaboun yintakhboun a7aad, igouloun they give-up. i nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged, and still they refuse to. Awal ma im old enough to vote, ana awal wa7da 6ayra 3ashan antikhiib;p

This is a conversation between me and my dad yesterday while eating lunch;

Me: Daddy, laish wara ba3'6 ilma8araat fy ba3areen?

Dad: 3ashan iwakloun ilbugaar..

Being the 9aida that i am i said: Heeeeeehhhh! haw mayadroun cows dont eat meat? Wont they get the madcow disease or something? Misakeen the cows theyre happily munching w little did they no ina its meat..

Dad: H, i was joking. its for the people.

Me: Ooh. *looks down at my plate and continues eating*

-OH MY GOD! fy this Sirilanken dude who keeps calling our house and threatens us. Wil scariest part is he nows ALL OUR NAMES! He wants donations; dear Sirilanken dude, if you want some donations, this is not the way to ask. Cursing us and saying mean things is not the way, please learn some manners.
Peace, love ,and rainbows

1 comment:

  1. awww cutie.. what you just did always happens 2 me also, cause am the 9aida in the family.. :P

