
My dream!

OH MY GOOOOOOOODDD! When i was happily sleeping all comfy and stuff, i had the freakiest most scariest most disgusting dream a person may ever have!

Okaaay so this is how it goes;

My cuzin talking to me: 5al 5adamatna tiyiiy ma3akuum il bait okay (i have no idea why!)

Me: Okaay (while getting into the car with my sister, my mom, the maid, the driver and i)

My cuzins maid was sitting in the front seat listening to her ipod (wtf?) then i get a fone call from my cuzin saying:

"Taraa my daad tawaa daag 3alaay igoul 7i6aaw balkuum tara 5adamatna takil awadim" At that second i looked at the maid and my heart stopped, i tried screaming but nuthing came out of my mouth. The maid looked back at me with the BIGGEST smile ever.

I jumped on her, grabbed her ipod, and breaking it with my bare hands (yes yes!) She hissed at me with siliva spraying everywhere. when i gained my voice back, i tackled the maid and told my mom what my cousin told me. She started screaming and everything was just hectic.

Finally i held the maid firmly, it was in a position that she cant move any parts of her body except her head. She started taking huge bites out of my arm while i screamed in agony but refusing the let her go.

Thats all i remember from my horrific dream. Although through out the dream i kept assuring my self that it was just a dream but it was soo realistic! I no it sounds very childiish bas 9iij 9iij it freaked me out!;p


  1. wow ... thats scaryy :O ..once 7alamt ina i was chased by scary skeleton ppl wearing hoodies (yess yess hoodies) wierd huh? :s

  2. LOOOL! ee 7adaa, 3aad ana i have the weirdest dreams ever!;p
